embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

By Steve

Are you ever going to have kids? A question often heard by married couples who have been together longer than 2 years and don't yet have kids.
Answer: I'm not sure if Ali and I will ever have children. But I want all to know that we "have" a kid. Pictured here is Ali and me with our son, Muwanguzi Perez in Uganda. We have been sponsoring Perez for just over a year now and consider him our son. For us, meeting him was comparable to a mother and father holding their newborn for the first time.
Though we are committed to sponsoring Perez from now through college, we have been praying and working towards adopting Perez and bringing him to San Diego to live with us as our son.
This is a bit of an arduous process with a couple of potential obstacles along the way. We would covet your prayers as we move forward in the process. It is our prayer, and quite possible, that Perez could be with us before the end of the year.
I can't wait for you to meet him. I know you're going to love him.


Thanks for posting a pic! I am so glad to have one! You three make an awesome family. We are praying God's will and intervention for speed in the process. love you...Mom

That's a great picture. I can't wait to meet Perez one day!

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