embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

By Steve

I love what I do and I have no idea why I wrote this blog:

There are a few jobs I don't want...
  1. Professional Coach
  2. Loan Officer
  3. Politician
Coaches are quickly hired and fired these days.  Flip Suanders, coach of the Detroit Pistons was just fired because his team did not advance to the NBA finals.  He has been a successful coach, a great coach...but not good enough, so he's gone.

Loan officer.  Even if I wanted this job, it would tough to get...it seems most are getting laid off (PC for fired) these days.  Any job dependent on people making big financial decisions, especially the purchase of a home, is one I don't want.  If people aren't willing to spend, then there is no work to be done.

Politician.  The reasons here are many, I'll name just three.  Our local elections for mayor and city attorney have been pretty brutal.  Why subject yourself to such scrutiny only to lose or to be kicked around if you win.  Do these people really make a difference or do they just need a job.  Second, these people make promises, many of them, while campaigning.  From that moment the promise is made and on, the rest of us challenge whether or not that person is doing what he/she said.  It doesn't matter if things change or if we know the whole story or not, politicians are crucified (only metaphorically to all you literalists) for not doing exactly as they say.  And finally, why spend so much money and time to convince people you are guy to be subjected to scrutiny, kickings, lies and crucifixion (again, only metaphorically)?

After a moment of gratitude for not having one of these jobs...well you know, I began thinking.  I don't have these jobs, but do I work under similar conditions and could be placed in similar "things" (apologies for a weak vocabulary moment).


If I don't perform, making my church (I should be kicked around for each of the previous 3 words) perfect (and for that one too), to the finals if you will...well, then I may be fired.

If people aren't willing to give $, then there's no work to be done (A lie directly from the pit of hell known as capitalism). 

And am I required to work the crowd, have my life placed under a microscope, win a popularity contest, convince people I'm the guy, make promises I probably can't keep, and spend big bucks to get people to my rally?

Another moment of gratitude.  I'm not that pastor.  I'm not in that sort of environment.  But.  I have felt it.  I have friends that have been fired, laid off, forced to perform etc.  

Each new coach believes he can turn things around.  Loan officers have crafty ways of making things happen that may not seem possible.  Politicians offer hope of change.  

And I'm a pastor.  What's that?  What do I do?  I'm someone who believes my role will help turn things around.  I believe in a God that can do things for people that may not seem possible. I want to give hope.  Beyond going to the finals.  Beyond buying a home.  Beyond universal healthcare.  And I hope I'm held to at least the same standard as a coach, loan officer and politician...just don't vote for me or fire me.  


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