embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

By Steve

What are you doing today?  Me?  I plan on spending as much time as possible in my car talking on my hands not free cell phone before the new cell law takes effect tomorrow.  I also plan on getting my earpiece out of the box today and figuring out how it works so I will be ready for tomorrow (though I just learned that San Diego will offer a 30 day grace period, so I'll probably wait a couple more weeks).

Did you know that today is the last day of June.  Among other things, that means 2008 is half over.  Tomorrow begins the second half of the year.  Sort of a second chance at your New Year's resolution, if you made one, remember what it is and have since failed (all true of me).

So I've decided to make July my "try again" month.  I've heard it takes about 28 days of consecutive behavior to develop a habit, I'll make it 31.  I'm not going to reveal my big habit forming venture, but if I succeed I will throw a celebrative blog party.  

So what does the second half of the year have in store for you?  
What habits might you want to begin (or end)?
What could you begin today, to help make the second half of the year even better than the first? 
Let me know.

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