embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

Bill's Story

By Steve

I met bill several weeks ago in downtown San Diego.  He was very thin, involved in economics and "green."  We bonded immediately and I took bill with me everywhere.  After a few days, I sensed that bill would be better off with someone else, so I passed him on to a friend.  

But my friend respectively rejected bill and sent him back.  Bill has literally been folded up in my back pocket ever since.  I don't know what to do with him.  I know it is no longer for me, but my first attempt at giving him away did not work.  Not only that, it was given back with specific instructions (of which I can't follow).  

It just seems that bill would be better served with someone other than me or my friend.  And so goes the story of bill.  My hundred dollar bill will remain in my wallet until I feel moved to give it away again...to someone who needs it more than me.  And I hope this bill will be passed on.  It is my hope that the next recipient of the bill will find someone else who could use it more than themselves.  And I hope that we can learn from bill that it really is better to give away than to receive.  And that there are many people, people close to us, people we see everyday, that really could use something we have.  If not bill, it could be time, a hug, a listening ear, an open mind, acceptance, patience and so on.  

And as we learn this.  And experience it.  And give it.  And receive it.  May we know that we are finding ourselves in the midst of what it means to follow the way of Jesus.  And may that compel us to press on in his way, pursuing all that is good and right.  And would this experience and pursuit continue the process of re-defining Christian in a positive way for many.

Other related writing by steve:

1 Comment

Neat idea homie. Maybe I'd put $100 bucks folded up in my wallet to give at the time, to the person or situation that needs it in the future.

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