embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

A pastor's self esteem

By Steve

I don't struggle with many (if any) of the more common Monday morning blues that plague many pastors.  The mood on Monday is often directly related to the attendance and offering from Sunday.  If either attendance or offering is low, then so is the pastor.  At least many of them.

Not me.  But I do have my Monday issues as a pastor (though these are thoughts for a different blog, let me just mention that I earnestly want God, faith, church etc. to make a meaningful and noticeable difference in people's lives.  When it seems that this is not the case, and people are disinterested and unchanged by what I so deeply value and believe in...well this is just unacceptable to me).

This Monday was different.  Not because of attendance or offering.  Not because of interest, disinterest or meaningful life change.  It was different because of one comment.

I purchased a taco for lunch today from my neighborhood taco shop.  The owner recalled seeing me at a recent East Village business meeting and asked what business I owned.  When I told her I was a pastor, her reply was meaningful and made a noticeable difference in my life.

Her reply.  "Pastor?  You're not a pastor.  You're too handsome to be a pastor."


way to break stereotypes in the church there, esteban.

I agree. I often think of you as 'Esteban Iglesias'...

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