embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

Second Chances

By Steve

Whoo hoo!

Lance Armstrong announced his return to professional cycling this week.  Since I probably won't be able to travel to France next July, I'm already making plans to visit Escondido.  Lance's first 2009 race will be the AMGEN Tour of California on February 14-22.  The race begins in Sacramento and finishes in Escondido.  I'll be there.

You don't have to like cycling.  You don't have to like Lance.  You can be upset that he left his wife.  You can be disturbed by his many hollywood romances.  You can think his comeback is because of pride or a spotlight fettish.  But he is a one man force for good too.  He beat cancer and has encouraged 1000's of others to keep fighting too.  He got a second chance to compete and he came back even stronger (don't bother bringing up doping you haters).  Now he is going to launch a new campaign centered on his cycling comeback and cancer.  Another sort of second chance for him, and for us.

For us?

A second chance for us to see the greatest cyclist ride again (or for the first time to those less enthused by spandex clad men on two wheels).  Of course I may not have brought this up if it stopped here.

It's more than just a second chance to watch a man compete.  It's a second chance for us too.  A second chance at whatever it is that you have failed at or given up on.  A second chance to wrong a right, offer that apology or receive forgiveness.  A second chance to live...live strong.  And not just cancer free, but free.  Excuse the abrupt transition.  The Way of Jesus free.  A Way of Grace (another way of saying second chance) and love.  

I think Lance's comeback will capture our attention because he is doing what so many of us want to do.  To take advantage of a second chance and make the most out of it.  I hope you will watch Lance get back on the bike next year.  Maybe we'll even see each other in Escondido.  But if you decide that cycling isn't your thing, I hope that you will take this come back story of one man, and make it your story.  

And when you do, whatever it is...I would love to hear about.

1 Comment

I do believe this is a classic case of "man crush." I say this because the first words you used were "Whoo" and "Hoo." It is a rare day indeed when Steve uses those words with sincerity.

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