embracing life

Another perspective on life, worldviews, and God - and how they all fit together in everyday experience. Simple stuff.

Layers of Improbability

By Steve

After the weekends football games, we now know who will play in the Superbowl.  Not too many weeks ago, few would have guessed that Arizona would be matched against the Steelers.  You may have guessed the Steelers would make it (though doubtful) but it was foolish to think the Arizona Cardinals, even with the "magic" and prayers of quarterback kurt Warner.  However improbable, the Cardinals will meet the Steelers in two weeks.

I've griped several times about having to get into my car to go to Home Depot.  "Downtown needs a hardware store" is my ongoing cry, though I don't think it will ever get one.  This morning, on my bi-ped commute to the bank, just a couple blocks from my house...the improbable, "Ace Hardware opening Spring 2009" jumped off the vinyl sign...as if to say, "Steve, we hear your cry." I was so excited, I called my wife to tell her the good news...she was not as thrilled.  

Today Barak Obama was sworn in as America's 44th president, and first, African American president.  While many have dreamed of this day, prayed for it, hoped and fought for it...not too long ago this day would be improbable.  Still, it has come.  I watched the inauguration...it is truly a great day, and I am proud to live in this country and experience what many have hoped for for decades.  

Improbability.  So what.  

I love the underdog story, the achievement of greatness against the odds, the unlikely hero.  Regardless of importance, whether a football game, a hardware store or our nation's president, the layers of improbability I have seen overcome today are celebrated.

Not by everyone...today made me angry too.  There will always be people who would rather not celebrate.  They would rather complain, put down or try to knock back down that which has been overcome.

Just watch, the analysts will rip apart the superbowl contenders over the next 12 days.  And what about Ace?  As happy as I am about the store, truth is, I've never really liked Ace.  They have a lot of great stuff but never anything I need.  I'm already predicting my frustration with the store.  And the president.

I walked into the coffee shop shortly after the inauguration, and a well known talk show host was on the radio.  He had not one good thing to say about the day.  He was couldn't stop talking about Obama's stumbling over the Oath.  He knocked the speech from every angle.  He had nothing positive to say about this, in my opinion, historic and improbable day.


Enjoy the Superbowl.  The food, parties, people, commercials...simply enjoy it.
To myself.  Love that Ace Hardware is taking the risk to open their store...and just blocks from my home.  
And to all.  Celebrate this day.  It's a great day in our nation's history.  It's not a perfect day.  It won't bring about the change or give the hope that I pray and long for for each of us.  It will certainly let some people down.  But it's a great day still.  And Rick Warren praying wasn't the end of the world.  And Obama's speech was great.  And the closing prayer was wonderful, and ended with the most memorable words (if my memory still serves me well), "where blacks aren't asked to give back, browns can stick around, yellows will mellow, red man can get ahead man and white embrace what's right."  To which I hope and pray, we can all agree, however improbable, and say amen. 

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